Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Issues with Gen7 Electronics

So in a previous post I showed a picture of the completed Gen7 board. You may have noticed that one of the Pololu Stepper controllers was missing. Specifically the Extruder one. This is because it blew up. Well flamed out is more like it. As I was testing the Gen7 board I was trying to hook up a stepper motor to each axis and see if they would move using the RepRap host software. For some reason when I tried to test the Extruder it burned out my stepper controller. Not sure why. I have posted my situation to the RepRap forum at the link below:

Forum Post

One word of caution. If you do use the Pololu stepper controllers. MAKE SURE YOU SET THE TRIM POT FOR CORRECT CURRENT LIMITING!!

This is detailed on the product page itself:

Product Link

I didn't realize this was needed and when I was running my motor for the first time it got too hot to touch! Once I had the Trim Pot set correctly the motor ran find and cool as ice, though I fear I may have damaged it as I was originally running the full 12V and virtually unlimited current through my 4V, 1200 mAh rated stepper motor.


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