Friday, April 1, 2011

A Mendel in my Mind

After much perusing of the RepRap site and negotiating with my wife about "yet another hobby", I have been able to start procuring all of the bits needed for a RepRap Mendel.  Here is a rundown of how and where I have gone about procuring parts:

Component Quantity Vendor (component link) Notes
Printed Parts x1 Eckertech Inc. I was impressed with the photos of the build quality on this site. A little pricey, but I figured it was better to start with quality printed parts.
Vitamins x1 Thingfarm All of the hardware and belts to put it together
Thick Sheet x1 Home Depot 1/4" MDF
Main Electronics x1 Digikey I am going to use the Gen 7 Electronics with an etched PCB. I will post a link to a Digikey BOM as soon as I have finalized it.
Power Supply x1 RadioShack Bought in Store
Opto Endstops x6 Makerbot
USB to TTL Cable x1 Makerbot
Stepper Motors x4 Pololu
Stepper Controllers x4 Pololu
Hot End & Adapter x1 MakerGear SuperPack (.40 mm Hybrid)
Wooden Mounting Pieces - Wade
PLA x1 MakerGear 3mm PLA 4043D / Blue (was actually a nice translucent ice blue)

Some notes on why I chose the vendors I did:

I am in the U.S. and wanted to try and avoid too much international ordering/shipping. With the vendors above I at least stayed on the same continent.

While I would have loved to purchase a ready built Gen 6 electronics kit from I was already over budget. So I opted to go with the Gen 7 electronics and etch my own PCB. We'll see how it goes.

As of right now, everything but the Printed Parts and the Vitamins have arrived.


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